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Youth Horse Judging


Youth can participate in this quality open horse judging contest that introduces the next generation of horse exhibitors and judges to current industry standards through a process of class evaluations and oral reasons. Ages 9 to 19 can compete. There are 2 age divisions and 2 skill divisions making more opportunities to compete at an appropriate level from entry to advanced. Teams of 3 or 4 contestants may compete. Individuals may compete. It’s a great practice contest for those in FFA, 4H or a breed association, but you are not required to be a member of these to compete!


Thursday March 14th, Ag Hall Arena

Check in opens at 7:45am

Rules meeting at 8:15am 

Live judging at 8:30am to 10:30am

Reasons at TPEC Workshop Rooms at 10:30am 

Guest Speaker at time TBD at contest

Awards at time TBD at contest

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